Monday, January 16, 2012


Wow, what a weekend!

So, I guess the last time I posted was...Wednesday? Thursday and Friday were just normal days at school...I finally learned most of the students names (we'll see if I remember them by tomorrow), Robinson celebrated 110 years in an assembly that was shorter than the time it took to organize all the students in the gym, and Maylyn and I did tons of riddles with some of the 8th and 9th graders. All in all, I love being at the school. :)

This weekend was amazing, though. We went to El Yunque, a super sweet rainforest. We did a trail with a guide and stuff at first (and she showed us some gnarly snails...groooosssssss), and then all changed into our swimsuits and went on a hiked down to a really gorgeous waterfall....which of COURSE we all swam in! The water was pretty dang cold, and I thought I was going to die when I tried to swim under the waterfall (I couldn't find the ledge and was pretty sure I was either going to drown or suffocate...haha, I was in absolutely no danger though), and we all laughed more than I can even think about. Hahaha, it was such, such, such a good bonding experience. Great life memory, too.

After we hiked back up to the van, I was SUPER hungry (it was pretty late, like 130 or something, and I hadn't eaten breakfast. Good one, self). We went to this super gorgeous beach, had picnic sandwiches, swam(ish) in the water (which was suuuper clear and calm), and laid out in the sun. So beautiful, so relaxing.

Then we went to the bed and breakfast, a cute, clean little place. The frogs were super loud and the dog's name was Shakira. I really, really liked it there. Lori, Maylyn, Tori, Alex, and I played Nertz for a long intense. Best game ever.

Our plans for Sunday didn't pan out, so we got to go horseback riding (part of the trail was on the beach!) which was AMAZING (but I'm still oober sore from, haha...) but I got pretty dang burnt. Lori and I had the dumb slow horses, but you know, it's okay. It was a beautiful trail and we got to enjoy it longer :P

Then we came home, had some more time in the sun (smart, I know), and hung out basically as the whole group. It was a really fun, relaxed day. I like these relaxing weekends. So weird that we don't have very many left.

Today we had Inservice at the school. We went to sessions about alternative assessment and bullying. I know, really riveting stuff. I felt like all of the teachers were little antsy students who didn't really want to pay attention, it was sort of cracking me up. Everyone was talking or not paying attention or using their phones (texting) or playing games or doodling. I was amused. There was still some participation on their part, but it just kind of made me chuckle. I think a lot of them have been there a while and have heard everyhting 89472934728u times, so they were sort of tired of it (and yes, that u should have been there in that number. It's a new number I invented).

Back to the grind tomorrow! Not looking forward to waking up early but you know....asi es la vida.

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