Wow, my life has been crazy and is about to get even crazier! I'm trying to be good about updating you all, but other things just seem so much more fun than writing a blog post...haha.
Let's see. Last week on the school front, I had a final paper and a final presentation due. Yikes! It went pretty smoothly now, so that means I'm down to one class: yay! The bad news? It's a history class and the final is going to HURT. We're only learning 3 main themes this whole semester and then for the final he's going to give us one of the topics at random, and we have to write for two hours straight, everything we know about that topic. Ouch. Talk about me being buried in my notes for the next three weeks until my final...too bad my BEST FRIEND is coming in ONE WEEK and then right after that I'm going to ITALY! to see my MOM! and GRANDPARENTS!
Studying? What's that?
So, the 22nd was Thanksgiving. First Thanksgiving really away from family, in another country. It was sort of bizarre. We had a "Thanksgiving dinner" with the program, which consisted of tapas (uhhh), and then some sweet turkey, mashed potatoes with mashed pumpkin (????), sweet gravy, and some weird stuffing-esque (okay, not like stuffing at ALL, more like ground up guts) stuff. Basically, everything was sweet. It was a nice attempt, Spain, but didn't quite meet the 'delicious Thanksgiving dinner' requirements. It was a lot of fun though, and it was nice that they did something for us. Besides, these people are like my family here, so it was nice to all be together enjoying each other's company and being thankful for our experience that we're having here. It was a good Thanksgiving. ...not that they celebrate it here, but whatever. :)
Thennn Friday I took off to Paris with Zoe (and we met up with Diane there). Wooohoooo, Paris!
If you want the short of it: Paris is a beautiful city, but I am glad to be back in Spain.
Now the long of it: Friday we got into Paris in the evening (after taking a train, the tram, a plane, a bus, and then a taxi...) and Diane met us at our hotel. We grabbed some lunch and rushed to the Louvre because it is free on Friday nights for students!! We're all about free stuff! We only got about an hour and little bit in the Louvre, but it's so HUGE that we were overwhelmed anyway. Our mission was to see dear old Mona (you know, Mona Lisa), and we accomplished that, so we were happy. After that, we made plans to meet up Saturday and went to bed. Hahaha.
My beautiful friends Diane and Zoe judging this painting. |
Little Mona |
Saturday was the day that we discovered that the metro makes it ABSURDLY easy to see a lot of stuff in Paris in a REALLY short amount of time. Go figure! We met up at the Arc de Triomphe and meandered our way down the Champs Elysees and sort of window shopped/people watched for a while. Then we hit a Christmas fair extravaganza thingy. Really, still not sure what it was, but tons of little booths (with outrageously priced things...), an ice skating rink, and Christmasy decorations. Even Christmas music playing! In English! Hahahaha. :)
Our first view of the Arc. :) |
Santa jammin', Frosty chillin', and an elephant...? |
After that, meandered our way along the Seine. It is SO beautiful, and all the fall colors were absolutely gorgeous. I almost felt like I was back in Corvallis...until I realized all the buildings around me were WAY more gorgeous and historic than Corvallis, and that the people around me were all speaking French. Momentary nostalgia: broken. Anyway, we meandered our way to the Notre Dame Cathedral, where all I could think about was talking gargoyles and Quasimodo and Esmerelda. life is a Disney movie? "God help the outcasts...."
The love locks on a bridge on the Seine |
After that, we metro-ed our way to the Luxembourg Gardens where we watched a little kid terrorize the birds. Which for some reason got me mentally singing "Feed the Birds...Tuppence a bag..." Again, this movie quotes and songs.
The little bird terrorist. |
From the gardens, after the yummiest lunch and tart and tea everrr (sandwiches...always sandwiches with us...) we headed over to the Eiffel Tower. It is pretty dang impressive, I'm not going to lie. We waltzed around for a bit and took some pictures...then headed back to the Christmas bazaar and Champs Elysees and just sort of killed some time...enjoyed the city. We headed back to the Eiffel Tower that night for some champagne and to see it all lit up, which was pretty cool...really cool actually. We had altogether too many giggles and good times. Good company, those two.
The tower by day. |
The tower by night, all lit up and having a seizure, aka twinkly lights every hour on the hour. |
On Sunday, we hit up Diane's neck of the woods, which meant the Moulin Rouge, the Sacre Cours, and various other sights to see around that area. It was really neat! Then Diane had to leave us, and we headed back to the Arc de Triomphe and found out we could climb it for free since we're students in the EU. NEAT! I'm all for free stuff. Really neat view up there, too.
"It was not, as my father had said, 'A VILLAGE OF SIN!'" was all that was going on in my head. Also, it's like 200 euro for dinner and a show here. |
On top of the Arc de Triomphe, with the Tower in the background |
Then we met with my mom's friend, Tammy. She was so nice, and it was neat to meet here and visit for a little while! Afterwards, we did a little souvenir shopping and gift-getting and whatnot, got some yummy desserts and headed back to the hotel.
Tammy and I |
On our way home, we had an 8 hour layover in Barcelona. Not fun. Not fun at all. I started to go a little stir crazy, not gonna lie.
This one's a gem... |
Overall, everything in Paris was absolutely fabulous but I'd honestly prefer to return to Madrid or Granada. Something about it just wasn't that amazing to me. I'm definitely glad I went, Paris is gorgeous and has tons of history and really awesome things to see, and I enjoyed myself a ton. Maybe the language barrier got to me? Or I had too high of expectations??
Anyway, it was a good weekend. Now, on to a week full of studying. Loooooooovely.