Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Hello, people! What a weekend I've had!

It all began Thursday night. :) Zoe and I caught an 11:59 pm bus (that time just cracked me up) to Sevilla. Let me tell you, getting on a bus at midnight and knowing that that's your future for the next ten and a half hours is a really bizarre thing. Luckily there were few enough people (is that anywhere near grammatically correct?) that we each basically got our own seat, so we could sort of stretch out and I managed to get some sleep. Haha...some sleep. Not a whole lot. But better than none!

We got in to Sevilla at like 10:30 or something and had time to kill until 4:30 when we were supposed to meet at a bus stop to head with the group to Morocco. We were a little bit baffled about what to do with that much time. We meandered our way into Sevilla and managed to find our way to our bus stop (eventually...after walking around the park in every direction except the one we needed like 6 times. Go us). We also decided that we're going to go on The Amazing Race as a team because we're FREAKING AWESOME at traveling together and we balance each other out really well. Anyways. There was a cool Festival of Nations thing going on so we got 'burritos' that really weren't amazing and didn't have beans (dumb, I just want some freaking good Mexican food) and meandered our way about for a bit. We went and found our hostel, too, so that was pretty nice that we wouldn't have to be searching for it when we got back to Sevilla in a few days...

Anyway, eventually 4:30 rolled around and we made our way onto the buses along with 100ish other young people. Lovely. Nothing like traveling in a pack. But really, as much as I don't really love big groups, I was thankful for it in Morocco. It made me feel safer for some reason. Hahaha.

Anyway, we got to our hotel that night and didn't really do much. We were EXHAUSTED after the 10 hour bus ride, so much killed time in Sevilla, a 3ish hour bus ride to the ferry, a ferry ride (that I have no idea how long it was because I freaking CONKED OUT. Something about the rocking motion just put me to sleep and I slept hardddd), and another shorter bus ride...so we slept REALLY well haha.

We got up on Saturday far too early and made our way to Tangier where we rode some camels for like mayybe two minutes haha, and then went to some caves where freaking HERCULES supposedly lived. Guys, HERCULES. Hahaha. Needless to say, it was pretty rad.  Then we went to see this lighthouse that was where the Mediterranean met the Atlantic. Pretty cool! It reminded me of when I was in Puerto Rico and saw where the Caribbean met the Atlantic...except this time I was in Africa. Cool!

After that, we went to Assila and had time to walk around and explore. It was a beautiful little city, white and blue and full of shops and people just begging you to give them your money in exchange for some cheapo little thing. :) There was actually some cool stuff there. I bought some neat-o Moroccan things and we had some of the BEST mint tea I've ever had in my entire life. Guys, it was so good. I wish I could ship it to the US so you all could try it. Mmm. I want some more, please.

On Sunday we went to Tetouan (not to be confused with Tatooine) just to see a palace...uh okay? And then we went to Chefchaouen and had lunch and walked around and whatnot. The city is like a maze, I have no idea how people do it! So pretty, though! And then we shopped around a little bit there, but everything was sort of late and we didn't have much time because we had to catch the ferry back to Spain! Which I, of course, fell asleep on again...

Eventually we made it back to Spain (about 2am), meandered our way to where we were staying for the night (which was freaking nice for how much we paid for it), stayed up talking for far too long (I felt like I was back in the dorms my freshman year!), and finally conked out. We got up on Monday at like 11ish and just sort of meandered our way around Spain. We went and saw the Cathedral and somehow managed to meander our way to Plaza Nueva, pick up a free map, and find the DiscoverSevilla office. They didn't have any money to change back our dirham (dangit), but they did give us a tshirt and a calendar (from 2011...that has all the tour guides pictures mostly naked and lookin' all sexy. Bizarre. Hahaha, but funny.) They also were nice enough to let us drop our stuff there, YES!, and then Dani (our tourguide who was really nice) walked with us for a little while and told us what we really ought to do. :) So then we ended up visiting the Plaza de Espana, walking around some more, getting completely lost in some little streets and managing to find our way back, and having a really pleasant day in Sevilla! Even though we didn't get to see Benni, our other tourguide, again...which was a bummer but I think we'll live. :) Eventually we made our way to the bus station and took another overnighter back home. What a trip! Overall, I'd say it was a fantastic weekend, but I'm glad that this weekend I'm laying low and staying in Alicante. I need some time to recover! Hahaha

I hope everything is going well back in the states!!! Happy election day :)

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