Thursday, January 10, 2013

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

I have retuuurned from my traipse around Italy and let me tell you, IT WAS AMAZING. I'm getting back into the swing of things here in Alicante. I have an 8 am class this month, which is rather un-fun, because that means I have to leave my house at like 7:20 which means I have to get up at like 6:50 at the VERY latest (such as this morning), and if you know me at all you know I HATE mornings. Hate hate hate hate hate hate haaaaaaaaaaate hate hate mornings.

Not a fan.

Also, the program is HUGE this semester. There are 56 of us, I believe. Poor Pepa, Marisa, and Cristina (our awesome program directors) are so stressed...but it's all good! It feels so, so good to be back in Alicante with my family!

Anyway, let's rewind.

First on the docket: my trip to Italy! I stayed over Christmas with some Italian relatives: my uncle Mirco, aunt Gabriella, and cousins Elisabeta and Sofia. Elisabeta and Sofia speak English pretty well, so I was very glad that that's where I ended up. It was quite the experience! Gabriella was very worried that I wasn't going to enjoy myself or that the food wasn't good or a million other things, so it was very difficult for me since I couldn't communicate with her and tell her that I was having an absolutely wonderful time and that everything was lovely!! Elisabeta and Sofia took me on a bunch of day trips, and I went out one night and met a bunch of Sofi's friends. It was all seriously fun. I even went to midnight mass...that I couldn't understand. Go figure. Overall, it was a very loud, very warm (emotionally...FREEZING outside) Christmas and I enjoyed myself a ton. But then came December 27th! YEAH!

The best of times!
December 27th I hopped on a train and was off to Florence to see Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To say I was extremely excited would be the understatement of a lifetime. Seriously. So, so, so good to see him again. We explored our way around Florence for a few days, headed to Rome and explored around there, and then headed to Barcelona and explored even more. I could write forever about what we did, what we saw, my thoughts on all of that...but I'm seriously tired so I'll give you the sparknotes version. Florence: churches, bridge(s), statues, hike&view. Rome: New Years fireworks, Spanish Steps, beautiful park, Colosseum, the Pope. Barcelona: Sagrada Familia, las Ramblas, best meal of my life, Olympic stuff, THE BEACH, a hike to the park with a gorgeous view.

Okay, that was SUPER sparknotes-ish, but suffice to say it was the best trip I ever could have imagined, exploring Europe with a boy who I'm VERY fond of and think I'll keep around for a while. After 10 days of being together pretty much constantly, I've gotta say that I was SO SAD to watch him leave our hotel room the morning of January 6th. So sad. Which leads me to...the worst of times.

Basically, him leaving. :P Not fun. I could wallow in self pity, but I have an amazing boyfriend, an amazing family, amazing friends in the states and here, and so many people who love me that it just doesn't really feel right. Even though I feel like a big part of me just left Europe and went back to the states...

Anyway. I got "home" to Alicante later that day, feeling kind of sad and lonely, and lo and behold, my host family was there to cheer me up in a jiffy!! The three kings had come and brought me coal (lol...candy coal that tastes REAL good) and a GORGEOUS bracelet!! What a way to come home! I was exhausted (let's be honest, still am), but I'm slowly easing back into the schedule here and realizing more and more each day how much I love this place and how much it has become my home.

Oh, and the other day I turned 21! Yay! It was a Tuesday so I didn't do anything crazy like go out or whatever (because I feel like I'm 90 years old and there is NO way I would have been able to wake up the next day) so we're going to celebrate, nighttime style, this weekend. :) Haha. Don't worry, I'll be safe. No drunkenness for me, thank you very much. On my birthday, my host family got me this GORGEOUS and SUPER delicious cake (thanks Tio Pepe!) and even got me a couple of really pretty bracelets! (I'm becoming known as the girl with all the bracelets...) Then we went up the castle, and Shauna, Zoe, Marisa, Cristina, and David sang happy birthday to me...seriously so cool to be sung to by people you love so much while looking out over the most gorgeous view in the city you have fallen in love with!! Afterwards, Zoe gifted me some nail polish, lip balm, and peanut brittle that is TO DIE FOR. So much for losing weight this semester...

Overall, I'm blessed and SUPER happy to be back. I miss everyone mucho mucho, but I'm feeling pretty good. My classes are good (although I still don't have the grade from my history exam...grrr) and I like my new classmates.

:D Besos!!

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