I can't believe that my last post was at the end of March, and this post is on May first. I really was alive during April, I promise.
The first noteworthy thing that I did (I think) was that I participated in Santa Faz. :) I went with my host brother and his friends, and we had a really good time. The Santa Faz is, apparently, a cloth that they put on Jesus face as he was carrying his cross, and his face ended up imprinted on the sheet...? And now there's one in a church in a city called Santa Faz and every year there's this huge (like 300,000 people or something) pilgrimage to Santa Faz to see the Santa Faz and people have big rod things with rosemary sprigs at the top and it smells good and it's like 5 miles or something walking from Alicante (although people walk further) and it's really cool! For the adults it's more like a pilgrimage...but for the kids it's more like an excuse to drink in the morning, as in there were a bunch of maybe 16 year olds running around with shopping carts, obviously drunk by 10 am. Welcome to Spain.
Anyway, we didn't drink. :) But instead of waiting in the loooong line to see the Santa Faz, we went to the beach and spent the day talking and laughing and it was wonderful!! :) I really enjoyed myself. It was nice and warm but not sweltering hot, too, so that was nice.
Then we had some GORGEOUS weather in the beginning/middle of April and I worked on my tan a bit and went to the beach a few times. It's less nice now but I'm hoping it gets back to gorgeous status again soon. :)
I've really dove headfirst into my internship and I LOVE my time that I spend at the school! Other than that, I've been studying a LOT and doing a lot of homework and whatnot! Booooooo. But that's just during the week. On the weekend I've been enjoying some country hopping ;)
A couple of weekends, I went to Amsterdam, and OH. MY. GOSH. I absolutely loved it! I don't know what it was really, but I really enjoyed my time there and I just felt so welcome in the city!! I was comfortable and wonderful and the canals are BEAUTIFUL and the city is just so cute (minus the Red Light District which made me terribly, terribly sad) and Zoe, Tonada, and I just really enjoyed ourselves. We did a lot of walking around and looking, and we went to the Anne Frank house, and a science museum (which was so much fun), and a couple of other things. Basically, we had a blast and all of us fell in love with the city. :)
Then last weekend I went to Copenhagen, Denmark...and we hopped over to Sweden for a little while too. We saw a bunch of castles and just kind of walked around a lot. We stayed with some of Zoe's family, which was LOVELY and the food was amazing and they were really nice and extremely hospitable and I enjoyed myself a ton!! However, as a city, I didn't fall in love with Copenhagen like I had been told to expect. I don't know why. I mean, the city is very beautiful and there are things to see and do but I don't know...we didn't go to Tivoli so maybe that's why I didn't absolutely adore it. :P
Anyway, this weekend Zoe and I are off to Budapest (which I'm SUPER excited for) and then it's just more pedal to the metal with school!! This is my last big trip...and the next time I get on a plane it'll be to go home for good! WEIRD!
Hope things are wonderful at home :)
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