Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Wednesday, Happy Halloween, I hope all is well back in the states! The news about the hurricane has been aaaalllllll over the place here, so crazy! I have a ton of new east coast friends here, too. Praying for everyone !

Let's see...what have I been up to? Well, last Friday was my final, it went well. :) I got a good grade in the class, so I'm happy. I already miss all of my classmates but I'm also absurdly glad that I don't have to go to grammar class 3 hours a day, 5 days a week any more. Haha.

Then Friday night Zoe, Andrew, Saki, Tsunako, and I went to Elche. There was the coolest little Medieval Market thing and some really good tapas! We enjoyed some wine and tapas and explored a little bit. It was fun, but by the end was I tiiiiii-iiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiired!

I woke up on Saturday excited for the international luncheon thing with all the girls from my class, but I just was NOT feeling up for it. My throat hurt, my body ached...basically, the two months of go-go-go had caught up to me and I needed a rest. I ended up sleeping until noon and then taking a 3 hour nap later...sheesh! Ya think I needed some sleep?! I ended up the weekend feeling a lottttt better. Didn't really do much but I was a-okay with that. Lord knows I needed some rest. Sunday we went to the MARQ (an archaeological museum) and really there's not much to say about that...not exactly thrilling.

Monday we had our cooking class and we made tapas and then ate more than one EVER needs to eat...and it was absolutely lovely. Zoe and I made a freaking bomb ensaladilla rusa, no biggie, it was the hit of the night...

Then yesterday we had a party at a high school, teaching the high schoolers some stuff about halloween. It was a lot of fun! Zoe put it on, she's such a stud. And I was a green crayon...easiest halloween costume ever.

Interesting Spanish language fact (do not read if you don't speak Spanish):

My host mother just told me that I use the verb 'deber' too much and that I should be using 'tener que'. She said everyone from the states always uses deber ('puedo imprimirlo aqui, o debo ir a la universidad?') when we should be using tener que ('puedo imprimirlo, o tengo que ir a la universidad?'). I feel like this is bizarre and sounds weird. However...when in Spain...

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