And, yet again, I suck at getting blog posts up.
Welp, let's see. Scholastically, I had my final in my grammar class at the end of January. I did well, got an A in the class. Now on to bigger and better things at the university! I'm taking two classes, I have class on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays...and I really am excited for my classes! They seem really interesting and they should be good. Here's hopin'. :)
Last weekend my host family took Zoe and I to a Medieval Market thing about an hour away from where we live. It was fun! I have noooo idea why all of the little market-like things that they have here are medieval themed, but it's kind of funny. The market was pretty neat, and my host parents are the cutest thing ever. It was really windy but I still had a lot of fun. :)
Then Zoe and I went to a fiesta thing at the colegio where she works...I saw Paula, the girl I tutor. She was so confused as to why I was there! Haha!! It was fun, though! They had a medieval themed mercadillo thing ( and then there was mass and then HUGE paella pans and paella...yum! It was also really warm. I was really glad Zoe took me. :D It was fun!
Thennnn this weekend was Carnaval! It was a fun weekend. Me, Zoe, Tonada, Maraya, and Anya decided to dress up as the Spice Girls for Carnaval (think Halloween on steroids, minus the scary...or maybe Mardi Gras-esque.) This weekend we climbed the castle, had some ice cream, had a 'movie night' (minus, found our costumes, and then last night went out! Carnaval was crazy. We didn't go over to Tonada's until like midnight, but even at midnight there were CHILDREN in the streets (along with the multitude of young people and adults and whatnot). Everyone was dressed up. There were DJ's and bars and whatnot in the streets and everything was just PACKED. We danced a bit and then I just enjoyed people watching....seriously SO many people in the streets, I wish I could convey to you! It was crazy! The DJ's in the streets didn't pack up until about 4 am...guys, this is normal here. (For Carnaval at least) Whaaaaaaaaat. Drinking in the streets and whatnot...I mean, people live on this road and there is no way they were sleeping with all that noise! Ha!
I had a really good time, but I really just feel sorry for whoever had to clean the streets afterwards. There was SO MUCH trash in the streets, bags and bottles and cups and anything else. And I also saw at least 3 people puking at different points during the night, right there on the street. So uh...yeah. There's that.
Anyway! Today was a nice little recovery day, and now I'm getting ready to buckle down on some stuff I need to do for home! (Applications, registrations, essays, and the like.) Miss you all terribly and hope life is treating you well!!!
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