Thursday, February 28, 2013

La Tormenta

So obviously, blogging is not going to be my career because I can't seem to get myself to WRITE for weeks at a time. Although really, there's not that much to note! Life has been pretty chill. Just spending time with friends and my family here, enjoying the Spanish life!

In terms of school, I have two classes right now. One is a sociology class and the other is a class about contemporary art and culture. Both of the profs are really nice and I enjoy both classes, so that's nice! I FINALLY am going to start my internship at a middle/high school on Monday, so wish me luck!!

Last weekend Robert, my host brother, invited me to a party with like 16 of his friends downstairs in his apartment. They made paella and broke out the mojitos at noon...welcome to Spain. I stayed until like 8 was a lot of fun but really tiring! We talked a lot, there was a lot of laughter, and we played Assassin. Haha, so funny! I had a good time, but next time I'm DEFINITELY bringing Zoe because it was a tad overwhelming haha.

A couple weekends ago, Zoe and I went to Benidorm which was fun, nice to get out. I like Benidorm because there is a really pretty park-like thing and you can look over the sea and stuff and it's really pretty...but the city itself is super touristy and gets a little But it was good to go!

Other than that, I've been busy applying for jobs for when I get back to the States, figuring out a topic for my thesis, planning trips (be looking forward to updates from me from Amsterdam, London, and Budapest!), trying to plan more trips (Greece, Ireland, Prague, or northern Spain, anyone?), and getting excited for Tyler to show up in like 23 days! WOOH!

I'm sure I'll start having more to talk about here soon with my internship starting and whatnot. Hope everything is good back at home! It STORMED here today. Like, stormed. Downpour, hail, thunder, the works. Makes me a little lazy...gonna be interesting getting used to Oregon weather again. ;)

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