Monday, October 8, 2012

First week of October...what?!

Oh gosh. I really need to start writing twice a week.

Well, let's start with last Sunday and work our way to today, shall we? Last Sunday, I tried out a church here in's called La Iglesia Cristo Vive. It was amazing to be in a place of worship again with other people who love Jesus, but it was also sort of overwhelming...lots of people, lots of Spanish, a 3ish hour service, a pastor who sort of yelled sometimes and made me uncomfortable. They definitely love Jesus but I wasn't as comfortable as I would have liked. This week I didn't go to church. Next week I may try out a different one. We'll see. :)

I cannot believe that the first week of October is already over!!! My new grammar class started last week, which is actually a lot more fun than the last one, but also more difficult. (I got my grade from the last class and I got an A, so that was nice.) I'm the only American in my new class (and my professor was shocked that I was an American because apparently estadounidenses don't usually get to such an advanced grammar level...go figure). Besides me, there are my friends from the last semester (3 from Japan and 1 from Algeria), and two Chinese girls, and a Chilean girl from Switzerland. It's a ton of fun! We played tabu (Taboo) on Friday, talk about slang all the time, and have a lot of fun. There is a lot of time to practice speaking, which is like my favorite thing ever. And Laura, the professor, is really nice. She teaches my other new class, too. Social and Cultural Realities of Spain. Not thrilling. Not much to say about it.

Tuesday and Thursday I had tutoring again with Paula...seriously, I have the best job ever. Who can say that they get paid to paint nails, do each other's makeup (you shoulda seen my face...), sing songs, play Simon Says, and dance...?! Me, that's who.

Thursday I went out with Andres, Zoe, and Zoe's speaking partner Javier. Our plan was to go out for tapas, which ended up with us at a bar until 2 am. Not exactly my usual plan of attack for a Thursday night with school the next day but, you know, that's the Spanish way I guess. Haha. I actually had a ton of fun! Zoe and I were giggly and talking about all sorts of things while the guys talked about the economic crisis in know, normal stuff.

Then Friday I went out with Kenta (Japanese), Tsunako (Japanese), Andres, and Zoe. We were only out until like 130ish probably, but I had a lot of fun! There are some funny moments when we're all together, though, and trying to communicate. Like trying to explain the word "wimp" or "pussy." just is way more difficult (and amusing) than it sounds.

Saturday was pretty chill. I slept in...a lot...and then Zoe and I went shopping. After that I just sort of lazied around, skyped a bunch of people I love, put of my homework, didn't write my blog even though I told myself I would...

And then yesterdayyyy Zoe and I got up and went to the beach (it was freaking hot...and beautiful, as always) and hung out for a few hours. Then I came back and we had lunch and my hostmom was like "Huh, you wanna go somewhere? Like...wanna go to Benidorm?" "Uhh...sure?!" So after we ate, I had like half an hour to rest, and then off went my hostdad, hostbrother, and I to Benidorm! (My host sister was sick, and my hostmom's ankles were really hurting her and she didn't feel up to walking around Benidorm.) Benidorm is like an hourish away by car (Well, by my hostdad driving. Seriously. I'm going to feel so safe when I get back to driving in the states.). There's really not much to Benidorm...a really pretty beach, a beautiful little lookout area to go out and see the sea all around you, it's really breathtaking, some old houses, and a tonnn of tourist-y shops. Benidorm is much more city-like than Alicante...lots of skyscrapers and big buildings and McDonalds and whatnot. And TONS of extranjeros (foreigners), like, tons. But it was pretty. Then I came back and finished my wonderful day up by skyping my boy and my bros (Jeb and Tyty...sadly, not Daniel this time) and catching up with people back in the states. I love weekends for that reason!

Part of the view from the viewpoint...imagine that you look more to your left and there's sea, sea, sea, sea, and then finally, the coast line from that first picture. And so sunny and beautiful!

Today, we had class, which was meh...but tomorrow's a holiday! YAY!

My hostfamily was baffled that I had school today. Here in Spain, when there's a holiday on a Tuesday or a Thursday or something, the people do something called "hacer puente" (literally "making a bridge"). Basically, un puente is when you have a holiday on Tuesday so you take off Monday too. That way, you have a 4 day weekend (Saturday, Sunday, Monday=puente, Tuesday=holiday). Or, if you have a Thursday holiday, then you take Friday off, too. My hostdad had puente today...but me, no. Oh well, no school tomorrow makes up for it, I guess. :)

Miss you all! <3 I'll try to write more often...haha, sorry :) Mas vale tarde que nunca?

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