Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thoughts from the beach.

Today is a holiday...there was a parade and everything! Zoe and I had fun. Then, we went to the beach. And here, I would like to present to you, my list of six things I may never understand about Spain.

 1) Nudity. Topless ladies, mainly. I mean, I'm all for it, you know, whatever floats your boat. It's just sort of bizarre and frankly, sometimes boobs are not very pretty things.

I am aware that baby butts hardly count as nudity, but isn't it cute?

My tactful picture of a topless lady. Good one, eh?

2. Bikinis. At the beach, everyone is in a bikini. Are you 23 and slim? Bikini. 87 and a little pudgy? Bikini. 50 and reeeally overweight? Bikini.

I like to think this is going to be me and my best friend some day. Older, in Spain, not caring that we're a little overweight, WORKIN' our bikinis.

3. This guy's speedo. You guys, I don't know if you can see it, but it had a drawstring. A DRAWSTRING?! On a speedo?

The abundance of speedos, in general, is alarming.

 4. How Zoe is so beautiful. Yeah, she's rad.

My friend is gorgeous, be jealous.

5. PDA. Seriously. There are always people like maaaaaking out in the streets and on the beach. This couple right here...they were making out literally the entire 2ish hours we were at the beach. On top of each other, next to each other, leg wrapped around each other, hands wandering, everything...I do not understand it.

Yeah, I'm that creeper taking a picture of the couple making out. I  just had to share with everyone at home, y'know?

6. Almost everything in this picture, at least under the umbrella.
Doesn't look so bad, does it?
Okay. You might have to click on the picture to see it better...but you see that lady there under the umbrella in the head wrap? Yeah, that blue scarf over her head. That lade was pregnant, VERY pregnant. And wearing a bikini. With thong bottoms. And head a tramp stamp. I'm not kidding, Zoe and I waited around for a few extra minutes because we desperately wanted a picture of her. I just realized that girl on the very left under the umbrella is topless, woops. And the lady lounging in the front in the pink bikini? I'm not exactly positive what happened, but all of a sudden all I heard out of her mouth were a bunch of cuss words. I don't even know who she was yelling at, but pretty much any cuss word I've learned thus far here, I heard. Everyone was looking. Even the couple making out stopped to stare. I think he even got off from on top of her to look. I'm not kidding.

Never a dull moment at the beach.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the couple making out. that's some serious PDA. It's the same thing here in France too, and with like 16 yr olds!!
