Let's seeeeeee...Friday, we went to an almaraza, which is basically a place where they grow olives and make olive oil. The guy there was really passionate about his olives, it was sort of bizarre. But I mean, more power to him. The olive oil was freaking GOOD and I am baffled why we don't use more olive oil instead of butter in the United States...according to every Spaniard I've ever met in my entire life, it's way healthier than butter. So, uh...yeah. Anyway, at the end we got to try a bunch of different olive oils, which basically meant stuffing myself with bread, tomatoes, and olive oil. Can't really complain there...it was delicious.
Saturday we went to Granada. YOU GUYS. Granada is literally my new favorite place in the world (I'm sure that might change again, but really...amazing.) Want to know why? Here's why: 1) The city is absolutely beautiful. 2) There are mountains (SNOW CAPPED MOUNTAINS) and green and FALL COLORS (okay, I know, there aren't ALWAYS fall colors but I mean, there aren't any fall colors in Alicante and it's fall here!). 3) There's such an awesome mix of Spanish culture and Arabic culture down there. It's so cool! 4) Their accent is freaking awesome. I wish I was an Andalucian.
Me, Clara (our program director's [adorable] daughter), and Zoe |
Granadaaaaaaaaaa |
La Alhambra |
Green, blue sky, snowy mountains. |
Then Monday we had our cooking class again, and we made PAELLA! Guys, paella is so good. I'm so excited to come home and make it for everyone (aka make it for myself...and share). Anyway, we all got to see how it's made and chop up the vegetables and stuff, and then they served it with sangria, obviously, because everything is better with sangria. And one glass in, Zoe and I were already dizzy. I'm not sure if we're lightweights or it was really strong...or both (I choose to believe both), but we both felt silly about the fact that it was a Monday. But you know...when in Spain...?
The rest of the week has been normal. Haha :) Tomorrow I'm going to Elche because they have this tapas thing and a Medieval Festival or something...so rad. I'll be sure to update you all. And then on Saturday we're having a party with everyone from my class, and we're all bringing a dish that's typical from our country...I'm thinking apple crisp or my peanut butter cookies? Or both! Because apple crisp says America to me...and so does peanut butter. Who knows, though :)
Tomorrow I have my final for my grammar class. Grossssssssssssssssssssssssss! HOWEVER, despues de esto no voy a tener clase los jueves no los viernes! WOOH! 4 day weekends for the rest of the semester! I think that calls for a celebration. :)
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