Sunday, September 16, 2012

El Fin De Semana

Ahhh, I feel like this was my first real weekend here, although I guess it was my second (third if you count the fact that I got here on a Friday).

We finished off the school week, and my brain decided it was just about time to shut off the Spanish and relax. But first...I went and met a family who wanted an English tutor for their little girl Paula. So...guess who now has a job for the next nine months! THIS GIRL! I'm pumped. The family is really nice and I literally am just going to go over there and talk in English with this little girl and sing songs with her and stuff, and then spend an hour speaking only in English with the family. And I get paid 7 euro an hour to do this. Hello, spending money.

On a completely unrelated note, there is a cat meowing REALLY loudly outside my window right now. There are so many cats in this city. So many.

Anyway. Friday night Zoe and I went out with a bunch of couch surfers (Zoe had met a girl on the bus and they chatted for a while and we ended up going out with her, haha) and had a really chill night sitting around and talking and sippin on some drinks. It was so much fun, definitely my kind of relaxed night out. And couch surfers are seriously cool people. I think we only stayed out until 2 or something, not too late. And sheesh, that was just the warmup round.

On Saturday, Zoe and I took the tram thingy (that I can never remember the name of) to a really pretty beach...our goal was Playa de San Juan but I'm pretty sure we ended up en Campello...either way, it's sand, the Mediterranean Sea, and a questionable amount of topless women. Then that night, Borja invited us to go out with him and some friends. So Zoe, Shannon, and I hit the town about midnight to go out...basically we ended up hitting up a couple bars and meandering our way to a club at about 3 am (that's when it opened, I'm not kidding) and danced until about 5. Then Zoe and I hit a wall...haha. I'm so glad I have her. Anyway, we ended up getting home around 5:30. It was a lot of fun! And, cultural tidbit so you don't all think I'm a freak, that's very common here -- my host mom expected it, which is sort of bizarre. Usually Spaniards go out around midnight or oneish, drink for a while, hit up a club, dance the night away, and end up back home at 6, 7, or even 8 am. This is completely absurd to me and my American way of thinking, but sheesh, do these Spaniards know how to party! Haha!

Today I slept in until almost 12 (which really isn't THAT much sleep considering I got home at 5:30), went to the beach with Zoe for a little while, and have just been chilling. Aka recuperating from last night. Hahahaha. And, of course, saving my homework for the very last minute. Some things really do never change. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah sounds like you are having so much fun! I cannot believe you stay out so late...I would die. And the fact that you eat dinner at 10:30pm is crazy! I am sleeping by then. It's super nice that you have a job though. Love reading about your adventures. :)
