I feel like my blogging time is awkward because I tend to (haha, it's been one day and I already think I have tendencies?) blog during siesta, which is smack dab in the middle of the day. But whatever. Last night, I decided that my host mom Isabel is theee best cook in the entire world, in case estabais preguntando. We had dinner at 8:30 ("earlier than usual because we figured you'd be hungry!" Umm...yes.) and we sat around chatting until 9:30 or 10:00 but seriously by then I was SO tired that I had absolutely no idea what was going on and I'm pretty sure I would have been struggling in English, let alone Spanish. Strug city. Pero no pasa nada.
Today was our first day of classes! I successfully managed the bus (well, to be honest, Roberto took me to the bus stop on the way there and I got a TINY bit lost on the way home, but I made it, no pasa nada). Then we had a tour (after I tried to figure out when I'm going to get a phone...still not sure) and bought our bonobus cards. That basically just means I can ride the bus without having to worry about bills and coins and whatnot...handy.
Then we had an awkward hourish from 10:45-11:45 where we ate lunch...because lunch here is at 2 or 2:30, but my class goes from 12:00 to 3:00! Such an awkward time when I'm not really hungry yet...but I sort of need to eat. But if I eat all of my food then, I'll be STARVING by the time 8:30 dinner rolls around. I definitely didn't think eating times were going to be much of an adjustment, but I was wrong. Oh well. Life goes on. :)
THEN the much anticipated moment of our first class! I adoooore my professor, Raquel. She is just lovely. So bouncy and funny. Zoe was sick today :/ but I made a couple of new friends in my class, Shannon and Marial. And we have one girl from somewhere that I need to look up the Spanish word for because I'm not sure where she's from, two girls from Japan (weird Spanish accents.), and two people from Russia, along with six or seven of us Americans. There were like ten-ish people not there, probably, so I'm sure there'll be more tomorrow. Raquel told us that we Americans were "fresca como lechuga" in regards to Spanish (fresh as lettuce...?), and it sort of showed because I was able to follow and do fine in class. My speaking needs some practice but, hey, I've been in Spain for two days, give me a break. ;)
Now some people are going to la playaaa (the beach!) but I'm not really sure I want to today. I didn't sleep awesome last night -- jet lag catching up with me, gross. Being awake at weird times...it's strange. So I might take advantage of la hora de siesta. I may regret it later, but I think it's a great idea now. :P
Miss you all!
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