Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week One: Check!

Wow, I cannot believe I've been here for a week. It seems like I was just getting on the plane, heading off to the biggest adventure of my life. But at the same time, it feels like I've been here for months! It's crazy!

Friday night Zoe, Andrew, Vanessa (a Brazilian girl living with Zoe), and I went out and had some sangria. After one drink Zoe and I were already giggly so decided not to have any more...but hey, at least being a lightweight means you don't have to pay so much, right?

On Saturday we had a day trip to Valencia. Valencia is either the third largest city in Spain or the third most important city in Spain...I'm not exactly sure what David (our tourguide) was talking about. Regardless, we had a great day of walking around, hearing a LOT of history in Spanish that was interesting at the time but ultimately very easy to forget, and taking a lot of pictures until my camera died. I was very sad that my camera died, because I saw the CUTEST little Spanish boy that I have ever seen in my life and I was about to take a picture of him and then, bam, dead camera. Maybe it was a sign that I shouldn't be a creeper, but either way, I wanted to adopt that precious little thing. The dark skin, the curly hair, the big eyes. I just couldn't take it.

In Valencia we visited a gorgeous cathedral, a museum that used to be a house (I can't think of the word for a really fancy, really big house for really rich people, but it was one of those. With a ballroom and a bunch of rooms and patios and whatnot. Like a palace?), and a huuuuuuge -- and do I mean HUGE -- open market. Our tourguide told us that there were about a thousand little booth thingies (puestos), it was crazy! It was mostly food -- fruits, veggies, meat (so much ham), fish, shrimp, etc. Anyway, we walked around a lot (of course I was with Zoe) and just enjoyed ourselves. I was SO TIRED...I slept on the way there, and on the way back, and then I slept in until 11 today! Good gracious!

Today was a very relaxed day. Meals, of course, and spending time at the beach with Vanessa, Zoe, and Andrew. The beach is gorrrgeous and of course I adore the people. I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep on the beach, but whatever. And I swam in the Mediterranean Sea for the first time today! Hahaha, my host family was apalled: "But it's so cold!" Um, no, it's really not. You should come to Oregon. You would die. Hahahaha.

Classes at the university start tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous about finding a class that will work and fill the requirements that I need to fill, But whatever. We're all a team and this is going to be quite the challenge to find classes that work and won't kill us. Que Dios nos bendiga...

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