OOF, what a week this has been!
This week, classes at the university started. Let me break down my classes for you, shall I?
This month I am taking a grammar class that's 3 hours a day (in a row, yes), 5 days a week. Then next month, I will take another grammar class of the same format. Then I will be done with grammar at the end of October. Win.
During October and November, I will also be taking a required class, Social and Cultural Realities of Spain, and a cooking class, and a cinema class.
I am taking one class at the university, and it's my only class that starts now and goes until the end of December. It's "Modern" History of España, quotations my doing. We're focusing on the sixteenth century in that class...so modern. Lovely. Anyway, this class is only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Yes, all of that means that my schedule is really weird. Right now I'm taking two classes, in October I'll be taking five, in November four, and in December only one. Basically December is going to be awesome. (Sidenote: I also get to see my MOTHER!, my GRANDPARENTS!, my ITALIAN FAMILY!, and my BOYFRIEND! in December, therefore December is a very good month indeed. Oh, and we celebrate Jesus' birth then too, which is kind of a little (read: lot) bit more important than any of that other stuff! Yay!)
Well, that was nice and boring. This week we haven't really done much other than school. I might have the opportunity to be a tutor/teacher for a Spanish family and their young child, though! That would be exciting! Details to come ;)
Today we met our intercambios. That's basically a program here where we (Americans learning Spanish) get paired up with Spanish students who are learning English, so that we can learn some and teach some and just talk and have fun! Apparently, it's also a good way to figure out where all of the good bars are and learn all of the cuss words. Oh, the things university students talk about. Anyway, my intercambio's name is Borja (you pronounce the j like a heavy, throaty "h" sound. Seriously, I struggle. He laughs at me. And we move on.) and he's so rad! We already have plans to go out this weekend with Zoe and Shannon and who knows who else. :) I'm secretly trying to hook him up with Zoe, but don't tell anyone. :P
We're going out tonight as a way of saying farewell to Zoe's roomate, Vanessa. I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow. Thank GOD for siestas.
Missing you all and hoping life is good back in the good ol' U-S-of-A... things are just lovely here in Spain :)
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