This week I was seriously tired all week...trying to recuperate from being out so late on Saturday I think! Haha! I'm not cut out for the Spanish party life!
This week I started my job "teaching" Paula English. Let me tell you, she is THE CUTEST THING EVER. She's 7 years old and just the sweetest thing. She wears glasses and likes to dance and sing and I have decided that I am going to steal her and bring her home. On Tuesday, I was trying to figure out what she already knows (I bet you could all guess what she knows. Numbers, colors, animals, and "Hello, my name is Paula." Hahahaha) and I ended up teaching her "I'm a Little Teapot" and explaining what it means to her. Her dad, Nacho, and her mom, Monica (I think that's her name...), are learning English too. So, the second hour that I'm there we just talk, basically! Tuesday we played "I Spy" with the whole family, which was fun. Then on Thursday after somehow miraculously finding my way to their house without any help, Paula and I sang the teapot song some more, learned The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and learned about "Up" and "Down". Along with, "Paula, how are you?" "I am well!" Hahahaha. Little by little, I guess. :) PLUS, I got my first paycheck. 30 euros richer! I think I'll buy a bag so Borja will stop making fun of my huge backpack. :P He told me "You look like you could be a Spaniard...but with that backpack? Absolutely not. American." Hahahahahaha
This week I finally skyped with a bunch of people I love! That was fun! I can't believe finals for my first class (which only lasts a month, haha) are next week! I've almost been here a month?! Where did September go???
This week I finally skyped with a bunch of people I love! That was fun! I can't believe finals for my first class (which only lasts a month, haha) are next week! I've almost been here a month?! Where did September go???
Last night, we went out with Kenta, a Japanese guy from our class. It was me, Zoe, Kenta, Andrew, Matteo, and Gracie. I like going out with people from our class because usually they don't know English so it forces us all to talk in Spanish...and we're all learning and don't know how to say things so there's no pressure. Or, at least not as much when you're with Spaniards! Although Borja is cool about helping with my's just so easy to revert to English since he understands it most of the time.
Anyway, today Paula (my host sister!) and Robert (host brother) took me out to tea to this really cute place called Tres Cucharas or something of the sort. We were going to go to this other tea place that they said was really good, but we ended up here...which was fine by me, because they had these raspberry cupcakes that were TO DIE FOR. It was like eating a little slice of heaven, I swear. AND! I found out that Paula and Robert both love to make cupcakes!!! HELLO, I was so put with the right family. I'm hoping we can bake some time. They both have these books of gorgeous looking cupcakes...and we all know how much I love baking. Two things that will always put me in a good mood: baking and painting my nails. One of those was covered by my amazing boyfriend and his mom with the package they sent me (thanks again!!!!!!) and the other I've still been craving. Maybe I need to break out the cookie mix I brought and make some peanut butter cookies...oh man, my mouth is watering.
Random fact of the week: It's a lot easier for Spaniards to say "Kieki" than it is for them to say "Kiersten."
All in all, another successful week in Spain. I love it here. Missing everyone at home more this week, finally starting to sink in that I'm here all year. However, as much as that makes me miss everyone, it also makes me excited because I can't wait for the exciting things that God is going to do in me and through me here!!! :D
All in all, another successful week in Spain. I love it here. Missing everyone at home more this week, finally starting to sink in that I'm here all year. However, as much as that makes me miss everyone, it also makes me excited because I can't wait for the exciting things that God is going to do in me and through me here!!! :D
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